Erica explains the difference between a subject matter consultant and a process/problem-solving consultant
One way that consultants bring value is subject matter expertise. They’ll give you, as a business leader, a clear direction: Fix this, re-program that, change this style or design method for this one. They bring new knowledge to your operations, as experts.
Another way — and this is how I do it — is to leverage existing knowledge. These are the facts of how your operation is working, and it’s in your head as the leader and in the heads of all the employees you have.
When you work with me (or a process-based consultant like me), YOU ARE THE EXPERT — and so are your people. You are the ones who know what is working, and not working in your business. You won’t find me telling you what to do directly to fix your problems.
So what do I do instead? I guide you through a process to take what you and your team know and turn it into solutions. It’s a collaborative process, not a one-way communication.
What are the advantages of this approach? It builds ownership in the solution and pride in the successful outcome — team members say “it was OUR idea!”. These solutions tend to stay in place over time, yielding more impact.
You also get, over time, a culture that favours improvement. What is your experience with either type of consultant?