Uncertainty equals fear

Erica muses on the global COVID-19 pandemic of March 2020, its global and personal effects, and makes some suggestions for handling big scary change.

UNCERTAINTY = FEAR (and other handy tricks our brains can play!)

These days there’s a non-stop stream of media content, all trying to inform us about this Corona virus outbreak. Charts, graphs, interviews, you name it…

The irony? No one really knows what will happen. There is MASSIVE uncertainty right now and its effects are playing out across the globe.

In life — and especially right now — when things are uncertain, our brains encode that as FEAR.

That’s a survival mechanism and it’s valuable for staying alive

. But those internal DANGER signals can keep us out of making good decisions ( like washing our hands and staying home and all we’re being urged to do right now).

They can stop us from seeing things as they are.

They can cause us to miss opportunities and they can cause us to act out of fear

. This video is my two cents toward this larger conversation — about how we feel safe, how we act in the face of change, and how our awareness of our own brains can make us more compassionate toward others.

Here’s hoping we can utilize this unprecedented moment of global crisis to learn about ourselves, focus on what’s important, and become stronger and wiser.

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