The power of W H Y
Most of us spend most of our time in the WHAT — checking items off our to-do list, making money, keeping our customers happy. We’re productive! Yay us!
There’s a way to boost our energy, get even more done, get insights into what we we could do better.
It’s our WHY.
Are you in touch with the impact your job, or your group, or your company, or your industry has on society?
Have you thought about what would happen if you didn’t exist? Like the holiday favourite It’s a Wonderful Life but for your business.
Do you share this purpose with your team? If not, compare notes. Mission, vision, and, values are just words on a wall if they don’t hold any shared meaning.
Lots of people think Lean is about automation, cost-cutting, and de-personalization, and turning us all into robots!
A better way to explain Lean though is that it’s about bringing people together for a shared purpose.
No matter what business you’re in, spend some time thinking about the WHY.
Shouts out to Brett Nelson on this one for reminding me of the foundation of shared purpose as the foundation of Lean, and Rebecca White who was talking about WHY way before that Simon Sinek guy! 🙂