Capture the Win

At the end of the project, great companies don’t just take the win and call it a day.
Their teams not only celebrate the win — important in itself — but also take time to CAPTURE it.
They take those few extra steps to put the new learnings into the institutional memory of their organization.
Learnings come both from success (ahas and wins that can be scaled) AND failures (problems and setbacks encountered that can be avoided in future).  It takes courage and patience to look at both sides of the coin!
Not only does this knowledge capture practice yield the benefit of the information carryover, it also changes the way the workplace feels;  it’s more open, mutually encouraging, and people are more willing to share their experiences and knowledge.

Taking the time to capture the win over and over again really makes your workplace a great one to work in!

#InstitutionalKnowledge #ContinuousImprovement #LeanSixSigma #TeamSuccess #OperationalExcellence

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